See description 47.38 KB English 373,841 Nuvee - This is a relatively new input plugin, developed. Highly suggested for Playstation 3 DS3 owners! For more info visit Changelog: Sponsored links. Playstation 3 DS3 controllers have proper pressure support when using Scarlet.Crush's. Pseudo 'pressure' for a smooth transition between off and fully pressed.Keys 1 to 4 as analog toggle for pad1 to 4 respectively. Supports rumble with a nice custom curve.Extended analog range on edges, for games like Ape Escape.There's some support to use a X360 guitar as a PS2 guitar.Emulates a DualShock and DualShock2 for PSX and PS2 emus respectively.Windows 62.59 KB English 142,661 Pokopom - r127 A new open source XInput input plugin for PSX emulators, PCSX2, nullDC 1.0.4, Chankast 0.25 and many N64 emulators from Works in both Windows and Linux. Download new version cut and paste gsdx etc etc. If you have a game with many sprites and those sprites have issues with upscaling then it's. Download CD/DVD plugins File Platform License Date Size Windows Freeware 284 Kb. PS2 Input Plugin Windows Freeware 294 Kb. Download Controller plugins File Platform License Date Size Windows Freeware 354 Kb. Download Sound plugins File Platform License Date Size Windows Freeware 38 Kb. PS2 Graphics plugin Windows Freeware 87 Kb. Download Graphics plugins File Platform License Date Size Graphics plugin Windows Freeware 335 Kb.